LPF Chapter and Network Form and Description

From the early church, Christians have gathered in community to grow in and act on the gospel vision of Shalom:  peace, justice, inclusive community, healing, wholeness. Lutheran Peace Fellowship (LPF) encourages the formation of groups, chapters, and networks to offer mutual support, to learn from one another, and to become more effective in acting on the challenge of being peacemakers in our violent world.

Agreements and Commitments:

  1. We agree with and support the vision statement and mission statement of Lutheran Peace Fellowship (LPF) emphasizing our commitment to growing in and acting on the gospel vision of Shalom: peace, justice, inclusive community, healing, and wholeness. (See LPF vision and mission statements and comment below)
  2. We will choose education and advocacy activities that support that vision and mission, and regularly share plans, questions, and updates about our efforts with the national LPF office.
  3. We will help build the connection between our group and the national network by a. Making use of and sharing LPF resources, updates, and reports on LPF activity elsewhere; b. Encouraging others to be part of our group and national LPF advocacy, youth, and leader network(s); c. Supporting LPF as we are able with reports of our activity, promotion of national programs, and financial contributions (on a sliding scale of $35 to $300).
  4. We commit to a means of leadership and decision-making that is grounded in gospel values of kindness, respect for all, democratic process, and faithful service. (It can be as simple as affirming co-chairs by consensus.)  We will inform the national LPF office of our group’s current leaders and contact information.
  5. We will identify our activities and literature as sponsored by “Lutheran Peace Fellowship of ______________” (as in LPF of Centerville, LPF of Elm County, LPF of Lutheran College, LPF of metro Newcity) and will include our phone, email, and/or web contact information, and that of the national LPF organization.

Welcome to the wonderful community of peace and justice makers that is Lutheran Peace Fellowship!

Leader contact info:

signed & dated:

(Please share this with your members and return a copy with signatures and contact info to the national LPF office: 1710 11th Ave, Seattle, WA 98122-2420;  206-349-2501.)

LPF Vision Statement:  Lutheran Peace Fellowship is an international community of peacemakers, grounded in Christ,  who seek peace according to the Biblical vision of shalom, peace with justice;  who pray and work  to eliminate violence, oppression, and militarism;  and who are committed to nonviolence in our efforts to bring about justice and reconciliation.

LPF Mission Statement:  LPF is a network of Lutherans across the US and round the world, responding to the gospel call to be peacemakers and justice seekers.  Founded in 1941, LPF offers a wide range of expertise, encouragement, and resources to individuals, schools, congregations, and regional and national groups.

See more about LPF at Who We Are.

‘Nonviolence’ is a key concept to describe LPF’s vision – not the superficial understanding prevalent in our culture, but the richness of Shalom action and the nonviolent way of life as modeled in the lives and words of Jesus, St. Francis, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Dorothy Day, Martin Luther King, Jr., Dorothee Soelle, Desmond Tutu and many others, as well as Shalom resources, activities, stories, workshops, and links.

Download the PDF of this document here: LPF Chapter and Network Form and Description (PDF).