Peace Education Resources

Teaching Peace

Peace Points – LPF series for leaders of engaging discussion activities; each includes handouts, facilitation tips. Topics include: biblical peacemaking, global conflict, peace worship, simple living, conflict transformation, world hunger, just war, and more…

Conflict Education – Insights, activities and resources for examining conflicts between individuals and on larger levels, and for strengthening skills to address conflict in any area of life.
in Spanish: español Educación de Conflicto – Perspicacias, actividades y recursos para examinar los conflictos entre los individuos y en niveles más grandes, y para fortalecer habilidades para abordar conflicto en cualquier área de la vida.

Shalom! Toward a More Effective, More Faithful Approach to Conflict and Violence – Our most popular essay explores a more faithful and effective approach to conflict and violence: it is an eye-opening overview, with annotated resource list.

Encouraging Shalom in the Congregation – a resource guide

Addressing Racism – Challenge for Peacemakers, a discussion and resource guide
in Spanish: español Abordando el Racismo – Desafío para los Pacificadores
guia para discusion y recursos

Ending World Hunger!

Hunger Resources – Engaging forum, discussion, and advocacy resources on our top education and advocacy priority.

World Hunger Advocacy

For several decades, ending hunger has been our top legislative priority. During that time, we’ve learned a lot and grown in skill and determination. What is unique this year is that our efforts have a receptive administration. Our advocacy is still urgently needed. Keep up with our current efforts on our blog.

“Taking Root” is a superb five-part congregation education program on hunger (look under the “Hunger Education” tab). It is available for three different age levels, primary, middle, h.s. each with very different, well conceived activities, visuals, stories, and great graphic look. Several LPF pastors and lay leaders who have used the program in their congregation have raved about its quality, flexibility, and ability to engage young people.

Hunger and Development Links

Genetically Modified Foods and World Hungerespañol in Spanish: Alimentos transgénicas y el hambre

Ways to Nonviolence

Nonviolence Resources: Cultivating the Way of Peace -overviews, activities and ideas for leaders.

Building a Culture of Nonviolence: activity and resource guide

Stopping Violence Against Women and Girls – Action Guide

The Path of Hope (Wall of Hope)
Over 100 peace and justice successes throughout history: Exhibit, activities, handouts, resources. More than 600 churches and groups have found this helps inspire and encourage faithful action for justice and peace. Timeline of events: (pdf)

A few dimensions of violence – through numbers

Peace Bibliographies

Activity and Discussion Guides
A treasury of materials for active learning and teaching about peace.

Audiovisual Tools for Peacemakers
A list of AV resources and links to more on LPF’s website.

Conflict Transformation, Nonviolence, and Justice
An annotated guide to over 400 outstanding books, manuals, audiovisuals, and websites.

LPF Resources for Youth Leaders
A quick overview of LPF activities and resources for youth leaders.

New Media for Parents, Teachers, and Youth
Useful links and insights on new media, computer games, books and more.

Notable Peacemakers
Learn about remarkable champions of peace and justice through peace quotes, videos, and stories.

Students and Young Adults
Books, programs, studies, and links for youth and young adults.

Transforming Our World – The most useful books, manuals, and web sites, selected by PJRC teachers, researchers, parents, and activists.

Women’s Peace Resources

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